Best dressed women of 2011. - My choice
Olivia Wilde
Hi people!
If you remember, I did a list of best dressed women last year, and I'm going to do it this year too.
Have in mind that this is only my opinion, and you can agree with me or not. I'm not going to mention various magazine editors, because it's logical that they are well dressed, it's their job.
Here we go!
Pozdrav svima!
Ako se sjećate, prošle godine sam radila listu najbolje odjevenih žena, i to ću učiniti i ove godine.
Imajte na umu da je ovo samo moje mišljenje, i možete se složiti samnom ili ne. Neću spominjati razne urednice modnih časopisa jer je logično da se one dobro odijevaju, to im je posao.
Pa krenimo!
Well, this is no surprise. She is always on my best dressed list. I just love Sienna's style, she's my style crush.
Ovo nije nikakvo iznenađenje. Ona je uvijek na mojoj listi najbolje odjevenih. Obožavam Siennin stil, ona je totalno moj style crush.
Olivia has become my style crush during this year, which has been very successful for her. She's been in a lot of great movies and series, and her style is amazing! Looking forward to seeing her new outfits in 2012.
p.s. If you have Twitter, follow her, because she has the most amusing Tweets!
Olivia je postala moj style crush tijekom ove godine, koja je bila jako uspješna za nju, makar sam ju već i prije ove godine zamijetila kao super glumicu. Ove godine je bila u puno odličnih filmova i serija, i stil joj je predobar! Veselim se njenim outfitima u 2012. godini.
p.s. Ako imate Twitter, pratite ju, jer ima najzabavnije Tweetove!
Sarah Jessica just has to be on my best dressed list! She's know for dressing well, and although she has a faux pas now and then, she's still a style icon.
Sarah Jessica jednostavno mora biti na mojoj listi najbolje odjevenih! Ona je poznata po tome da se dobro odijeva, i makar tu i tamo ima koji faux pas, i dalje je ikona stila.
Some people probably won't agree with me about this choice, because I know some people think she had a lot of faux pas this year. I don't agree with that. I think it's great that she's at least willing to take risks and try new things. I still love her style!
Neki ljudi se vjerojatno neće složiti samnom oko ovog odabira, jer neki misle da je imala dosta promašaja ovu godinu. Ja se ne slažem s tim. Mislim da je super što je bar voljna riskirati i probati nove stvari. Ja i dalje volim njen stil!
This girl is so stylish and always looks good, whether it's casual style or the red carpet. I love how she experiments with fashion!
Ova cura je toliko stylish i uvijek izgleda dobro, bilo da je riječ o casual outfitu ili crvenom tepihu. Obožavam kako eksperimentira s modom!
Don't we all love Victoria's style? I think I never heard that somebody doesn't like Victoria's style at all. She just knows what to wear and when. I also love the clothes and the shoes she designes :)
Ne volimo li svi Victorijin stil? Mislim da nisam nikad čula da netko ne voli njen stil bar malo. Ona jednostavno zna što odijenuti i kada. Također obožavam odjeću i torbe koje dizajnira :)
Although Harry Potter is over, Emma is still thrilling us with her fashion choices, and I'm sure she'll keep doing that for many, many years. I'm always glad to see girls who aren't affraid of taking fashion risks:)
Iako je Harry Potter gotov, Emma nas i dalje oduševljava svojim modnim odabirima, i sigurna sam da će to nastaviti činiti još mnogo, mnogo godina. Uvijek mi je drago vidjeti djevojke koje nije strah modnih rizika:)
Ever since Kate wore that amazing Alexander McQueen gown for her wedding, she became a fashion icon. Well, at least in my eyes, since I adore McQueen, and the dress was just beyond amazing. During this year she proved that you don't have to wear 1,000+ € dresses to look good. You can wear for example Zara dresses and shoes and look good as well. And let's not forget this is the woman who can have anything she wants. Go Kate!
Od trenutka kada je Kate odjenula onu savršenu Alexander Mcqueen haljinu za svoje vjenčanje, postala je modna ikona. Barem u mojim očima, pošto obožavam McQueena, a i haljina je stvarno bila nevjerojatna. Tijekom ove godine dokazala je da ne morate nositi haljine od 1,000+ € da bi izgledali dobro. Možete nositi primjerice Zara haljinu i cipele i također izgledati dobro. I nemojmo zaboraviti da je to žena koja može imati štogod hoće, a vrlo često odabire baš high street brendove. Bravo Kate!
If you're not from Croatia, Jelena Popovic Volaric is an actress, a writer and a columnist. Her style is by far the best in Croatia (in my opinion). She always look stylish, elegant and chic. Here are the pics, so see for yourself:)
Ako niste iz Hrvatske, Jelena Popović Volarić je glumica, spisateljica, scenaristica i kolumnistica. Njen stil je daleko najbolji u RH (po mom skromnom mišljenju). Uvijek izgleda elegantno, stylish i chic. Evo slika, pa sami vidite:)
And this is it guys! Hope you like it, share your thoughts:)
And if you know Croatian, you can read a mini interview on CroModa about what will the Croatian bloggers (including me) remember from 2011 HERE.
xoxo S.
I to bi bilo sve! Nadam se da vam se sviđa, komentirajte:)
I možete na CroModi pročitati po čemu ćemo mi blogerice pamtiti 2011. godinu OVDJE. :)
izbacila bih samo SJP, sve ostale su odlične i vjerojatno bi bile i moj izbor :)
kate middleton is so super pretty and always so elegant :)
Za mene je Victoria Beckham "style crush".
I love blake, sjp, Diane and i have to say your Croatian lady, jelena, is very fab too - thanks so much for your comment and happy new year x
I couldn't agree more with your choices...all those ladies are so well dressed and have a particular style they support and barely change, they don't go for trends all the time, they have a style they follow and support.
ReplyDeletei especially love victoria and emma, they are great style icons for me, emma is so beautiful, she is one porcelain doll. victoria is super fashionable as always. sienna miller also is a great style icon. blake lively could not be called anything than trendy and fashionable.
great list you have here.
greetings from greece.
Thank you everybody for your comments, I love reading them! If you like my blog, please follow me:)