Shine Accessories
5/24/2012Hi everyone!
Today I want to share with you an amazing online jewelry shop called Shine Accessories. They offer a variety of accessories, such as rings, necklaces, bracelets, earrings, belts, hair clips, etc., and all that at a very affordable price. In their own words: ''At Shine Accessories, we believe a small piece of shining accessory makes a big difference. Each piece of accessory you choose or you wear is revealing parts of yourself, your personality and your story''.
Shine Accessories is also behind a wonderful project called ''Chain of love''. This is how it works - each month Shine Accessories will pass a FREE gift to one of their fans, who wants to spread the love to his/her family, friends or strangers. To join the ''Chain of love'' you have to LIKE their Facebook page HERE, and write on their wall how you love someone, or want to love someone, or what you appreciate from the bottom of your heart... Isn't that a beautiful gesture? I think so!
You can see what I chose from Shine Accessories at the picture above. I really love the ''Boho Style Triangle Pendant Chain Necklace'' and the ''Angel Wing Vintage Ring'' that I received. The necklace can be worn with a lot of different outfits, and it will give it that little boho/indie feeling. If you're into that, like me, then this necklace would be great for you. The ring, on the other hand, has a more vintage feel to it. Since it's a not a shiny gold, it can be combined with a lot of different pieces of jewelry. All in all, I'm really satisfied by the quality of the items, and with how they look.
In the pictures below you can see how I styled the necklace, and you will see the ring in one of the next outfit posts.
Hope you like this post!
xoxo S.
Pozdrav dragi moji!
Danas sam s vama odlučila podijeliti jedan super online shop sa nakitom koji sam nedavno otkrila a zove se Shine Accessories. Oni nude raznovrsne modne dodatke i nakit, poput prstenja, ogrlica, narukvica, naušnica, remenova, ukosnica, itd., i sve to po jako povoljnim cijenama. Kako oni sami kažu: ''U Shine Accessories-u vjerujemo da mali komad sjajnog nakita radi veliku razliku. Svaki modni dodatak koji izaberete ili nosite otkriva dijelove vas, vaše osobnosti i vašu priču.''
Shine Accessories je također iza divnog projekta koji se zove ''Chain of love'' tj. ''Lanac ljubavi''. Evo kako to funkcionira - svaki mjesec Shine Accessories će dati poklon svojim fanovima, tj. onome tko želi širiti/dijeliti ljubav svojim obiteljima, prijateljima, ili strancima. Kako bi se priključili ''Lancu ljubavi'' samo morate LAJKATI njihovu Facebook stranicu OVDJE, i napisati na njihov zid kako pokazujete nekomu da ga volite, ili što cijenite kada netko učini za vas... Divna gesta, zar ne? I ja mislim!
Možete vidjet što sam ja izabrala sa Shine Accessories-a na gornjoj slici. Jako mi se sviđa ''Boho Style Triangle Pendant Chain Necklace'' i ''Angel Wing Vintage Ring'' koje sam dobila. Ostavila sam sad tu te nazive u originalu jer mi je bezveze to prevoditi... Ogrlica se može nositi sa puno različitih outfita, i dat će mu malo tu boho/indie notu. Ako vam se to sviđa, kao meni, onda bi ta ogrlica bila super za vas. S druge strane, prsten je više neki vintage stil. Pošto nije sjajno zlato, može se iskombinirati sa puno drugih komada nakita. Sve u svemu, jako sam zadovoljna sa kvalitetom ovih komada, i kako izgledaju.
Na slikama ispod možete vidjeti kako sam ja iskombinirala ogrlicu, a prsten ćete vidjeti u jednom od sljedećih outfit postova.
Nadam se da vam se sviđa ovaj post!
xoxo S.
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ta kombinacija mi je genijalna, pogotovo suknja <3
ReplyDeleteyou look great!
love the necklace and thanks so much for your sweet comment, hope you liked my blog :)
ReplyDeleteGorgeous necklace, so unique and delicate... Just divine!
divan nakit, a ti si jos divnija u ovoj dugoj narandzastoj suknji!
ReplyDeleteCool accessories, definitely going to go check them out! Thank you for sharing.
Predivan prsten! (i ogrlica, naravno, ali prsteeen...) :)))
ReplyDeleteThank you everybody for your comments, I love reading them! If you like my blog, please follow me:)