Hi everyone!
Yesterday was the first day of IN Music Festival 2012. I went just to check it out, but none of the bands I like performed the first day. This was my first time at this festival, and I have to say the atmosphere is amazing, as is the whole event. I'm not going today because I have some obligations, but tomorrow is the main reason I wanted to go to this festival - one of my favorite bands, Franz Ferdinand, is performing, so I'm really looking forward to it.
Check out what I decided to wear yesterday, and some of the pics of the event...
Hope you like it:)
xoxo S.
Pozdrav svima!
Jučer je bio prvi dan IN Music Festivala 2012. Išla sam samo da vidim kako to izgleda, ali nitko od bendova koje volim nije nastupao prvi dan. Ovo je bio moj prvi put na ovom festivalu, i moram reći da je atmosfera fantastična, baš kao i cijeli event. Danas ne idem zbog nekih obaveza, ali sutra je glavni razlog zašto sam htjela ići na ovaj festival - nastupa Franz Ferdinand, jedan od mojih najdražih bendova, i jako se tome veselim.
Pogledajte što sam jučer nosila, i neke od slika sa eventa...
Nadam se da vam se sviđa :)
xoxo S.