Here comes the sun
6/10/2012Hi everyone!
I don't know if I've mentioned this before, but I'm generally not a huge fan of Summer. And when I say Summer, I mean 30+ degrees Celsius temperatures in July and August. I love it when it's around 20-25 degrees, so it's not too hot to handle. But what I do like about Summer are the music festivals. We don't have a lot of big festivals here in Zagreb, but there are some that I'm really excited about this Summer.
I'm going to IN Music Festival at the end of this month, and I'm especially happy that I'll see Franz Ferdinand perform live because they're one of my favorite bands. And at the end of August, Red Hot Chili Peppers are performing for the first time in Zagreb, so I'm super excited for that concert. I adore them, they're definitely among my top five bands ever!
Now why am I telling you all of this? Because of festivals fashion, of course! Everybody's talking about it these days, and I have to say I absolutely love it. Some of the biggest trends or this festival season are denim shorts, fringes, flowers, maxi skirts, rock T-shirts, metal jewelry, etc. My outfit in this post could also pass as a festival outfit, minus the wedges of course. Always wear flat shoes to open air festivals. I will definitely be doing more festival outfits this Summer since I will be attending some of them myself. I will also show you what I wore when the time comes...
Hope you like this, share your thoughts!
xoxo S.
P.S. The giveaway on my blog ends tomorrow, so you still have time to enter HERE.
Pozdrav svima!
Ne znam da li sam ovo spominjala već, ali ja inače nisam baš najveća obožavateljica ljeta. A kad kažem ljeto, mislim prvenstveno na one 30+ stupnjeva temperature u srpnju i kolovozu. Volim kad je oko 20-25 stupnjeva, tako da nije prevruće za izdržati. Ali ono što volim ljeti su glazbeni festivali. Mi nemamo baš puno velikih festivala tu u Zagrebu, ali zbog nekih koji će biti ovo ljeto sam ipak uzbuđena. Krajem ovog mjeseca idem na IN Music Festival, a naročito sam sretna što ću tamo vidjeti koncert Franz Ferdinanda pošto su mi oni jedan od najdražih bendova. Krajem kolovoza idem na koncert Red Hot Chili Peppersa koji će po prvi put nastupati ovdje, te sam zbog toga stvarno sretna. Obožavam ih, oni su mi definitivno među top pet bendova svih vremena!
Zašto vam ja sve ovo govorim? Pa zbog festivalske mode, naravno! Svi pričaju o tome ovih dana, i moram vam reći da obožavam to. Neki od glavnih trendova za ovu festivalsku sezonu su traper šorcevi, resice, cvijeće, maksi suknje, rock majice, metalni nakit, itd. Moj outfit u ovom postu bi također mogao proći kao festivalski, naravno minus wedgesice. Uvijek nosite ravne cipele na festivale na otvorenom. Ja ću vam ovo ljeto definitivno pokazivati još festivalskih outfita pošto ću i ja neke posjetiti. Također ću vam pokazati što ću ja nositi kada dođe vrijeme..
Nadam se da vam se ovo sviđa, recite mi što mislite!
xoxo S.
P.S. Giveaway na mom blogu završava sutra, tako da se još imate vremena priključiti OVDJE.
- dress (worn as a top): thanks to SheInside
- shorts: H&M
- wedges: thanks to Oasap
- skull bracelets: ''Fashion Against AIDS'' by H&M
- bracelets on my left arm: H&M
- sunglasses: SXUC- thanks to Sunglasses Shop
- rings: H&M
- necklace: thanks to Shine Accessories
- nail polish: Chanel Black Satin
I meni se jako sviđa ta festivalska moda, tvoja kombinacija je super, posebno top
ReplyDeleteGreat casual look! The wedges are so fun!
ReplyDeleteI love the bracelets and the top
ReplyDeleteHave a good day sweetie
kombinacija je super:)
ReplyDeleteLepa, vesela kombinacija, prava letnja.
ReplyDeleteGreat and lovely!
ReplyDeleteVoljela bih vidjeti Franza Ferdinanda, Zagreb nije tako daleko od Tuzle,
ReplyDeletepa možda i skoknemo.
Sviđa mi se tvoja žuta majica, a sandale imam iste iz oasapa, i upravo su u novom postu ;)
moc hezke!:)
awesom awesome shoes!! love that color and the shape is so much fun!
ReplyDeleteNarukvice su zanimljive. Ne volim ni ja previsoke temperature, ali volim ih vise od januara :D
ReplyDeletewauw great outfit, love the yellow top ! :D
ReplyDeleteThank you everybody for your comments, I love reading them! If you like my blog, please follow me:)