OUTFIT/EVENT - Dreft Fashion Week Zagreb (S/S 2013) Day 1


Another Dreft Fashion Week Zagreb started yesterday, and the designers presented their collections for Spring/Summer 2013. I can't really say that someone impressed me the first night, but there were a few designers that I liked, and those are: Nino Bollag, [ep_anoui], and Manuel Maligec. Nino Bollag's collection was very wearable and beautiful, I especially liked his trench coats. Eva Poleschinski is the designer behind the brand [ep_anoui], and I have to say I've never heard of that brand before, but I really liked the collection. She was inspired by how dreams effect our reality, and you could really see that in her collection. The young designer Manuel Maligec (who is also a blogger) presented his first collection ever last night, and I was pleasantly surprised by what he created. Everything looked fierce!
Here is the list of all the other designers who showed their collections on the first day: Toni Rico, Ugg Australia, Zjena Glamocanin and Krie Design. Krie Design was my least favorite collection last night - very uninspired.
If you want to know more about all the designers, read my article for CroModa HERE.

My outfit for the first night was pretty simple, very different from what I'll wear tonight. I wore some red items, and I combined them with jeans and simple accessories. To finish the look, I wore my favorite faux fur coat. Hope you like it.
xoxo S.
Još jedan Dreft Fashion Week je počeo jučer, i dizajneri su predstavili svoje kolekcije za proljeće/ljeto 2013. Ne mogu reći da me netko posebno oduševio prve večeri, ali bilo je nekoliko dizajnera čije kolekcije su mi se svidjele, a ti su: Nino Bollag, [ep_anoui], i Manuel Maligec. Kolekcija Nine Bollaga je bila jako nosiva i lijepa, naročito su mi se svidjeli njegovi baloneri. Eva Poleschinski je dizajnerica iza brenda [ep_anoui], i moram reći da nisam nikad prije čula za taj brend, ali mi se jako svidjela kolekcija. Nju je inspiriralo kako snovi utječu na realnost, i to se moglo vidjeti u samoj kolekciji. Mladi dizajner Manuel Maligec (koji je ujedno i bloger) je predstavio svoju prvu kolekciju ikad, i bila sam baš ugodno iznenađena sa onime što je napravio. Sve je izgledalo moćno! Evo popisa ostalih dizajnera koji su pokazali svoje kolekcije prvog dana: Toni Rico, Ugg Australia, Zjena Glamočanin i Krie Design. Krie Design mi se najmanje svidio prošle večeri - jako neinspirativno.
Ako želite znati više o svim dizajnerima, pročitajte moj članak za CroModu OVDJE.

Moj outfit za prvu večer je bio prilično jednostavan, jako različit od onoga što ću nositi danas. Nosila sam neke crvene komade, a iskombinirala sam ih sa trapericama i jednostavnim dodacima. Look sam završila sa svojom omiljenom bundicom. Nadam se da vam se sviđa.
xoxo S.

Toni Rico

Toni Rico


Zjena Glamocanin

Manuel Maligec

Manuel Maligec

Nino Bollag

Nino Bollag

- shirt: thanks to PopCouture
- jeans: H&M
- coat: Miss Selfridge
- sunglasses: thanks to 80's Purple
- bag: Zara
- booties: Miss Selfridge
- skull ring: H&M
- leaf ring: thanks to Rings and Tings
- bracelet: Kayumanggi Shop

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  1. I love your outfit! Red is stunning on you! And that seems like such a cool event!

    <3Chelsea Elizabeth

  2. Lovely coat!


  3. Odlicno ! Kosulja je prekrasna.


  4. love this outfit ! looks good on you :)) Im just having great giveaway, that you have to check it out ! ⓈⓈ ⒻⒶⓈⒽⒾⓄⓃ ⓌⓄⓇⓁⒹ


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