OUTFIT - She thinks she's made of candy


The shortest way to describe this look would be: pink with an edge. Do you agree? :)
I haven't worn this dress like this before, with flat boots to create a more casual look, but I love it this way! I usually wore it with heels, and now I see it works great like this too.
I can't believe it's the first day of December already; Chistmas is getting closer and closer. Have you started thinking about what you're going to get for your family and friends this Christmas?
Would you like me to do a post about some gift ideas?
Tell me what you think :)
xoxo S.
Najkraći način za opisati ovaj look bi bio: rozo sa edgy efektom. Slažete se? :)
Ovu haljinu nisam još na ovaj način nosila, sa niskim čizmama da stvorim više casual look, ali super mi izgleda ovako! Obično sam ju nosila na visoke pete, a sada vidim kako je odlično i ovako.
Ne mogu vjerovati da je danas već prvi dan prosinca; Božić se sve više približava. Jeste li već počeli razmišljati što ćete kupiti svojoj obitelji i prijateljima za ovaj Božić?
Biste li voljeli da napravim post o nekim idejama za poklone?
Recite mi što mislite :)
xoxo S.

- coat: Mango
- tights: Jadran
- boots: Zara
- clutch: vintage
- sunglasses: Le Specs; thanks to Sunglasses Shop
- bracelets: thanks to Sal Y Limon
- ring: Mladen Grubic

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  1. Unikatna haljina bas mi se svidja, i divno ti pristaje! Od sada te i pratim,i ti mene nadam se.

  2. haljina je predobra!

  3. Rado bih ti ukrala kaputic :)


  4. ideje za poklone su uvijek dobrodošle :D

  5. Outfit looks lovely, especially with the pink coat! Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a lovely comment. xx

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    ohsewfashion.com // @ohsewfashion

  6. lovely color! love the pink coat <3

    visit my blog ^^


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