
NEW IN - Jeepers Peepers sunglasses


If you've been following me for some time, you definitely know that I'm a sunglasses freak - I always want to have more and more sunglasses. You could even say that I collect them (as well as shoes), so it's a big pleasure to receive new ones every time, especially if they're completely different from the other sunglasses that I own.
I received these cool Jeepers Peepers sunglasses today, and it would be an understatement to say that I like them... They're absolutely amazing! Thanks Sunglasses Shop :)
What do you think?
xoxo S.
Ako me pratite već neko vrijeme, onda znate da sam freak za sunčane naočale - uvijek želim još, i još sunčanih naočala. Mogli biste reći i da ih skupljam (kao i cipele), tako da je veliko zadovoljstvo dobiti nove svaki put, naročito ako su potpuno drugačije od ostalih sunčanih naočala koje imam.
Ove cool Jeepers Peepers sunčane naočale sam dobila danas, i bilo bi preslabo reći da mi se sviđaju... Jednostavno su predivne! Thanks Sunglasses Shop :)
Što vi mislite?
xoxo S.

p.s. Nemojte se zaboraviti priključiti GIVEAWAY-u  sa cipelicama OVDJE

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