PRESS PREVIEW: H&M Spring/Summer 2013


I always love visiting the H&M showroom with my fellow bloggers and journalists to see the brand's new collections in advance. This time was no exception. H&M's collection for Spring/Summer 2013 is full of intersting details, like studs and prints. Also, I noticed a lot of orange - seems like orange is one of the brand's favorite colors for Spring. Check out my pics, and tell me what you think...
Thanks PRiredba for the invitation.
xoxo S.
Uvijek volim posjetiti showroom H&M-a sa ostalim blogerima i novinarima, te vidjeti nove kolekcije ovoga brenda unaprijed. Ni ovaj put nije bio iznimka. H&M-ova kolekcija za proljeće/ljeto 2013 je puna zanimljivih detalja, poput zakovica i printeva. Također, zamijetila sam puno narančaste - čini se da je narančasta jedna od omiljenih boja ovoga brenda za proljeće. Pogledajte slike, i recite mi što mislite...
Hvala PRiredbi na pozivnici.
xoxo S.

Thanks H&M for the lovely necklace!

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  1. The necklace is amazing, and I barely can't expect for see the collection from my own eyes!


  2. Ima odličnih komada, meni je jedino užasno žao što je H&M stigao u RH jer je gotovo nemoguće kupiti taj neki malo žešći komad, a da ga nema pola grada! Ilina

  3. these pictures are so lovely!

    hope you'll visit back

  4. I Love H&M, This is a great post
    Lovely Pictures
    I would appreciate it if you take some time out and visit my blog
    Claudia xx

  5. hello gorgeous!!
    super cool preview! last necklace and super cool red skirt are FANTASTIC!
    can't wait to see more!
    Syriously in Fashion
    Syriously Facebook Page

  6. Woow! vidim da cu opet dosta vremena provoditi u H&M-u :D


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