
OUTFIT/EVENT | Cro A Porter A/W 2013/2014 (Day 2)



My favorite collections at the second night of Cro A Porter were definitely the ones by Arileo and Marina Jerant & Manuela Lovrencic. Arileo's collection was very elegant, sophisticated and chic. The perfect example of classic meets minimalistic. On the other hand, Marina Jerant & Manuela Lovrencic presented a very fierce, rock'n'roll collection, full of amazing black leather jackets and coats. I could see myself wearing a lot of these pieces!
I wore an olive green sweater, burgundy jeans and black pumps.
xoxo S.
Najbolje kolekcije druge večeri Cro A Portera su mi definitivno bile one od Arilea, te Marine Jerant & Manuele Lovrencic. Arileova kolekcija je bila veoma elegantna, sofisticirana i chic. Savršen primjer kombinacije klasičnog i minimalističkog. S druge strane, Marina Jerant & Manuela Lovrenčić su predstavile jako moćnu, rock'n'roll kolekciju, punu odličnih jakni i kaputa od crne kože. Mogla bih se zamisliti da nosim mnoge od ovih komada! Ako želite znati više o svim kolekcijama druge večeri, pročitajte moj članak za CroModu OVDJE.
Ja sam ovaj put nosila maslinasto zelenu vestu, burgundy traperice i crne salonke.
xoxo S.

Marina Jerant & Manuela Lovrencic

Marina Jerant & Manuela Lovrencic

- sweater: c/o OMG Fashion
- jeans: c/o McGregor
- shoes: Mango
- necklace: c/o Rings and Tings
- watch: c/o Daniel Wellington
- sunglasses: Ray Ban (c/o SmartBuyGlasses)
- bracelets: c/o Alimonada
- clutch: c/o T Torbice

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