Isabel Marant pour H&M showroom


I went to the Isabel Marant pour H&M exclusive pre-shopping event two days ago, but I didn't manage to take any photos. Why, you ask? I came in 5 minutes after the opening, and everything was already gone! Can you believe it? It was so crowded, people were pulling like 10 pieces of clothing at a time, trying the clothes on, pushing other people….  Total craziness! 
Since I didn't take any photos that night, I made an appointment to come to H&M's showroom and finally take photos of the collection. I visited the showroom this morning, and here are the photos. 
Did you get anything from this collection?
xoxo S.
Prije dva dana sam išla na Isabel Marant pour H&M pre-shopping event, ali nisam uspjela ništa slikati. Zašto, pitate se? Došla sam 5 minuta nakon otvaranja, i sve je već nestalo! Možete li to vjerovati? Bila je strašna gužva, ljudi su uzimali po 10 stvari odjednom, isprobavali odjeću, gurali druge ljude… Totalno ludilo!
Pošto nisam uspjela ništa slikati, dogovorila sam se da dođem u H&M-ov showroom i konačno slikam kolekciju. Showroom sam posjetila ovo jutro, i slike su tu.
Jeste li vi kupili nešto iz ove kolekcije?

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  1. Odlicne fotke! Dok ja dodjem do H&M-a sve ce vec nestati :/ x

  2. nisam bila tamo, ali koliko sam vidjela na televiziji bila je prava pomama, kao da se besplatno dijeli, valjda se u ljudima probudio neki natjecateljski duh;) ili što već...neki marketinški stručnjak znao bi to sigurno dobro objasniti.
    džemperi super izgledaju i da, lijepe fotke.

  3. Ima dobrih komada, ali ipak previse buke ni oko cega :)

  4. Sienna!
    such a great post.
    You have such a great blog! I love it :)
    your reader from La Dolce Moda

  5. love the sequined pants! :*

  6. Nadam se da si ugrabila nesto;-)

  7. Great post ! Really love your pictures :)
    If you want, we can follow each other. Let me know, follow me on GFC and I will follow you back! :)


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