Sweater Weather TAG


I have noticed this TAG on a lot of blogs and YouTube channels in the last couple of weeks, and I thought it would be really cool to do it! You basically have to answer Autumn-related question and share your preferences with your readers/viewers. I tag everybody who wants to do it :)
If you do this TAG, feel free to leave links to your posts/videos in the comment box and use the hashtag #sweaterweather to share them on Twitter.
xoxo Sienna
Ovaj TAG sam zamijetila na puno blogova i YouTube kanala u zadnjih par tjedana, i mislila sam da bi bilo baš cool da ga i ja napravim! U principu trebate odgovoriti na pitanja povezana sa jeseni i podijeliti svoje preferencije sa svojim čitateljima/gledateljima. Ja tagam sve one koji žele ovo napraviti :)
Ako napravite ovaj TAG, slobodno ostavite link na vaše postove/videe u komentarima i upotrijebite hashtag #sweaterweather da ih podijelite na Twitteru.
xoxo Sienna

1. Favorite candle scent?
I love candles, but I actually haven't bought any Autumn-inspired candles yet. It's about time I do that, right? I'm burning Yankee Candle's ''Clean Cotton'' right now, which is like an all year round scent, and one of my favorite scents of all time. If you haven't tried this candle yet, it basically smells like freshly washed laundry. Pure perfection!
Obožavam svijeće, ali zapravo još nisam kupila ni jednu svijeću inspiriranu sa aktualnim godišnjim dobom. Već je vrijeme da to učinim, zar ne? Trenutno najviše palim Yankee Candle svijeću ''Clean Cotton'', a to je više miris prigodan za bilo koje doba godine, i jedan od mojih najdražih mirisa ikad. Ako još niste probali ovu svijeću, u principu miriši kao svježe oprano rublje. Čisto savršenstvo!

2. Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate?
This is a really difficult choice, because I love all three, but if I had to choose just one, it would have to be coffee. I can't live without coffee!
Ovo je zaista težak izbor, jer jako volim sve troje, ali ako bi morala izabrati samo jedno, to bi bila kava. Ne mogu živjeti bez kave!

3. Do you switch up your makeup routine for the season?
Just a bit. I usually use a tinted moisturizer during Summer, so when Autumn comes, I switch it up back  to a classic foundation.
Samo malo. Preko ljeta obično upotrebljavam toniranu kremu, a kada jesen dođe, vraćam se klasičnom tekućem puderu.

4. Favorite Thanksgiving food?
We don't celebrate Thanksgiving in Europe, so I can't really answer that.
U Europi ne slavimo ovaj blagdan, tako da ovo baš i ne mogu odgovoriti.

5. Hats or scarves?
Both! I think hats and scarves are a really chic way to bring your outfit to a whole new level and keep you warm at the same time.
Oboje! Mislim da su šeširi i šalovi jako chic način da svoj outfit odvedete na novu razinu i da vam je pritom toplo.

6. Most worn sweater?
I absolutely love sweaters, especially the knitted ones. It's not super cold here yet, so I'm actually wearing more sweatshirts then sweaters right now. My most worn sweatshirt at the moment is THIS ONE by Insane Jungle. I totally love it!
Obožavam veste, naročito one pletene. Ovdje još nije ultra hladno, tako da trenutno više nosim sweatshirte nego debele veste. Sweatshirt koji trenutno najviše nosim je OVAJ insane Jungle sweatshirt. Obožavam ga!

7. Must have Autumn nail polish?
I love nail polishes, so it's very difficult for me to choose just a couple of them. Still I do have some favorites right now, and here they are: ''Bordeaux'' by Essie, ''Over The Edge'' by Essie & ''Peridot'' by Chanel. Btw, Chanel's ''Peridot'' is in my top three favorite nail polishes of all time.
Obožavam lakove za nokte, tako da mi je jako teško izabrati samo nekoliko njih. Svejedno imam neke favorite trenutno, i evo ih: Essie ''Bordeaux'', Essie ''Over The Edge'' i Chanel ''Peridot''. Btw, Chanelov ''Peridot'' mi je u top tri najdražih lakova svih vremena.

8. Football games or jumping in a pile of leaves?
Haha, definitely jumping in a pile of leaves!
Haha, definitivno skakanje u hrpu lišća!

9. Skinny jeans or leggings?
I like both, but I prefer skinny jeans.
Volim oboje, ali preferiram skinny traperice.

10. Boots or Uggs?
I don't own Uggs yet, so I choose boots. Both Uggs and regular boots are great, you just have to know when to wear them and how.
Još nemam Ugg čizme, tako da biram obične čizme. I Uggsice i čizme su super, samo treba znati kada koje nositi i kako.

11. What is your #1 favorite thing about Autumn?
There are so many things I like about Autumn. First of all, I am not a Summer person, so Autumn brings a necessary refreshment to me. I love the cold weather, rain, layering clothes, wearing scarves, hats, gloves…. I just love everything about it. I enjoy burning candles inside while it's cold and foggy outside, thus creating a cozy atmosphere.
Ima toliko stvari koje volim u vezi jeseni. Prije svega, nisam ljubiteljica ljeta, tako da jesen uvijek donese potrebno osvježenje za mene. Volim hladno vrijeme, kišu, slojevitu odjeću, šalove, šešire, rukavice…. Volim sve u vezi jeseni. Uživam dok unutra gore svijeće, a vani je maglovito i hladno.

12. Do you have a song that gets you in the Autumn mood or just a song you're loving at the moment?
I actually made a post about my Autumn playlist recently… Check it out HERE.
Zapravo sam nedavno napravila post o svojoj jesenskoj playlisti… Pogledajte ju OVDJE.

13. What is the Autumn weather like where you currently live?
I live in Zagreb, Croatia, and it's currently pretty cold here. It's usually around 5 degrees Celsius during the day. The leaves have all fallen from the trees, and their color has changed to orange, red and brown. It's a typical Autumn weather.
Živim u Zagrebu, u Hrvatskoj, i trentuno je ovdje prilično hladno. Obično je oko 5 Celzijevih stupnjeva tijekom dana. Lišće je palo sa drveća, i njihova boja se promijenila u narančastu, crvenu i smeđu.
Tipično je jesensko vrijeme.

INSTAGRAM: @siennaana

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