Illeconcept T-shirts


Do you remember the last time I mentioned Illeconcept? I was talking about my new business cards, and how they designed them for me... If you haven't seen that post, you can click HERE.
Illeconcept is a design studio founded by one of my colleagues Simon and his business partner Branka. They offer graphic and interior design services, so if you need this type of services, don't hesitate to contact them. Their latest project was all about presenting their studio to the public, but instead of choosing some of the typical methods, they opted for T-shirts. And not just any T-shirts; their T-shirts are super cool with little pocket on the front. This design is definitely unique and if you want to find out more about Illeconcept, click on their Facebook page HERE.
xoxo Sienna
Da li sjećate kad sam vam zadnji put spominjala Illeconcept? Pričala sam o svojim novim vizitkama i  kako su ih oni dizajnirali za mene... Ako niste vidjeli taj post, možete kliknuti OVDJE.
Illeconcept je dizajn studio koji je osnovao jedan od mojih kolega Simon i njegova poslovna partnerica Branka. Nude usluge grafičkog dizajna i dizajna interijera, tako da ako trebate neke od tih usluga, kao i usluge web dizajna, slobodno im se obratite. Svrha njihovog najnovijeg projekta je bila da predstave svoj studio javnosti, no umjesto da su odabrali neku od tipičnih metoda, oni su se odlučili za majice. I to ne bilo kakve majice: njihove majice su jako cool sa malim džepićima na prednjoj strani. Ovaj dizajn je definitivno jedinstven i ako želite znati više o Illeconcept-u, kliknite na njihovu Facebook stranicu OVDJE
xoxo Sienna

INSTAGRAM: @siennaana

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