Exploring Slovenia | Day 3


We started our third day in Slovenia by visiting Thermalium, the largest health and spa center in Slovenia, located in Terme 3000. They offer a special range of therapeutic and spa treatments, including treatments with a touch of Prekmurje - pumpkin seed oil, honey, herbs from the Pannonian meadows, and more. There is a Thai Center as well, which offers the latest in Thai massage and anti-stress treatments. 
Treći dan u Sloveniji smo započeli posjetom Thermaliumu, najvećem zdravstvenom i spa centru u Sloveniji, smještenom u Termama 3000. Nude specijalne terapeutske i spa tretmane, uključujući tretmane sa dozom Prekmurja - bučino ulje, med, ljekovito bilje iz Panonskih livada, i slično. Također imaju i Thai centar, koji nude najnovije Thai masaže i anti-stres tretmane.

At Cafe Praline (also located in Terme 3000) you can try the most famous treat from Prekmurje - the Prekmurje layer cake. For this occasion, they actually made it in front of us, so we could see all the layers that go into it. It's amazing how many ingredients are necessary for this cake, but it's absolutely delicious.
U kafiću Praline (također smještenom u Termama 3000) možete probati najpoznatiju slasticu iz Prekmurja - Prekmursku gibanicu. Za ovu priliku su ju napravili pred nama, tako da vidimo sve slojeve koji idu u nju. Nevjerojatno je koliko je sastojaka potrebno za ovaj kolač, ali je apsolutno prefin.

After checking out of the Livada Prestige, and before leaving for Ptuj, we had a chance to visit the castle Jeruzalem, where we had lunch, and exploring the Jeruzalem wine road. This region is well-known for their wines, so we also tried some of them. And how about this view? Isn't is spectacular?!
Nakon što smo se odjavili iz Livade Prestige, i prije nego što smo krenuli za Ptuj, imali smo priliku posjetiti dvorac Jeruzalem, gdje smo ručali, i malo istražili vinsku cestu Jeruzalem. Ova regija je jako poznata po vinima, pa smo i probali neka od njih. A što kažete na ovaj pogled? Nije li spektakularan?!

The second hotel we were staying at was the Grand Hotel Primus. It's a beautiful four-star hotel, named after the famous Roman general Marcus Antonius Primus, who was the first to carry the name of Ptuj out into the world. The Roman influence is visible everywhere in the hotel: guests can relax in a Roman-style wellness centre or enjoy culinary delicacies based on recipes from the distant past. Next to the hotel there is a large thermal water park, where we also spent some time enjoying welcome drinks, sunbathing and dancing zumba. :)
Drugi hotel u kojem smo odsjedali je bio Grand Hotel Primus. To je prekrasan hotel sa četiti zvjezdice, koji je dobio ime po poznatom rimskom generalu Marku Antoniju Primusu, koji je prvi prenio ime Ptuja u svijet. Rimski utjecaj je vidljiv posvuda u hotelu: gosti se mogu opuštati u wellnessu rimskog stila ili uživati u kulinarskim delikatesama baziranim na receptima iz prošlosti. Odmah do hotela je i veliki termalni park, u kojem smo također proveli neko vrijeme pijući pića dobrodošlice, sunčajući se i plešući zumbu. :)

Well, I can definitely say I didn't even know something like this existed until recently. Right next to the Ptuj water park, there are these huge barrels that you can rent to sleep in! Can you believe it?! There are beds inside them, and it's definitely better and safer than sleeping in a tent! Totally original. We ended our third day in Prekmurje by having a picnic right next to these barrels, which was a unique experience.
Definitivno mogu reći da do nedavno nisam ni znala da ovako nešto postoji. Odmah pokraj vodenog parka u Ptuju nalaze se ogromne bačve koje se mogu iznajmiti za spavanje! Možete to vjerovati?! Unutra su kreveti, i to je puno bolje i sigurnije nego spavati u šatoru! Totalno originalno.
Treći dan smo završili sa piknikom pokraj ovih bačvi, što je bilo poprilično jedinstvo iskustvo.

| Photos by G&S Promotion, and a couple by me |

INSTAGRAM: @siennaana

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  1. Great pics!

  2. It all looks so wonderful, what a fabulous holiday!


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