Make your photos come to life with Printic + GIVEAWAY!
7/25/2014Has it ever occurred to you how cool it would be if you could just print you Instagram photos or the photos you have on your mobile phone? And all that on a polaroid size shiny paper? Well, it has definitely occurred to me before, but I didn't know it was possible until a few weeks ago. Printic does exactly that. With the help from this cool app, you can easily order your favorite Instagram pictures in polaroid form, or you can even create a photo book, or a calendar with your photos! The process is super easy, and the result is wonderful! All you have to do is download the FREE Printic app HERE, and you can get started. I already ordered my first ten prints, and they turned out beautifully!
And guess what?! I have a surprise for you! Enter the GIVEAWAY below, and you can win 10 FREE prints on Printic! All you have to do is download the app, and if you win, you will get the code for 10 free prints.. Pretty cool, right?
xoxo Sienna
Da li vam je ikad palo na pamet kako bi bilo cool kada bi mogli isprintati svoje Instagram fotografije ili fotografije koje imate na mobitelu? I sve to na sjajnom papiru u polaroid formatu? Meni je to definitivno prije palo na pamet, ali nisam znala da je to moguće do prije par tjedana. Printic radi upravo to za vas. Uz pomoć ove cool aplikacije možete jednostavno naručiti svoje omiljene Instagram fotografije u polaroid formatu, ili čak možete kreirati foto knjige, ili kalendare sa vašim fotografijama! Proces je jako jednostavan, a rezultat je divan! Sve što morate napraviti je skinuti BESPLATNU Printic aplikaciju OVDJE, i možete početi. Ja sam već naručila svojih 10 slika, i ispale su prekrasno! I pogodite što?! Imam iznenađenje za vas! Uključite se u GIVEAWAY na mom blogu, i možete osvojiti 10 BESPLATNIH printeva po svom izboru! Sve što trebate napraviti je skinuti aplikaciju, i ako pobijedite, dobit ćete kod za 10 besplatnih slika... Prilično cool, zar ne?
xoxo Sienna
INSTAGRAM: @siennaana
xoxo Sienna
INSTAGRAM: @siennaana
What a great idea and the photos look great!
Great idea!
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