5 Ways To Save Money Shopping Online
3/30/2016In today's world where online shopping is getting more and more popular every day, it's really good to know some tips and tricks how to save money while shopping this way. If you aren't that internet savvy, you might want to know that there are actually many ways to save money shopping online. I have learned most of these tricks from personal experience and by reading a lot about it over time. Here are some tips and tricks that might help you...
U današnjem svijetu kada online shopping postaje sve popularniji, jako je dobro znati neke trikove kako uštediti dok kupujete na ovaj način. Ako niste jako spretni u korištenju interneta ili ste tek početnik, vjerojatno bi željeli znati da zapravo postoje mnogi načini da uštedite dok kupujete preko interneta. Ja sam većinu ovih trikova naučila iz osobnog iskustva, te čitajući puno o tome tijekom vremena. Evo nekih trikova koji bi vam mogli pomoći...
1. Shop during sales. | Kupujte za vrijeme rasprodaja.
I know this seems like an obvious tip, but there's more to it. You know that time right before the sale ends? That time is the best to shop online. Usually, when the sale starts, online shops offer about 30% discount, maybe 50% on some items. If you wait until the end of sale, a lot of shops will offer up to 70% off, and sometimes even free shipping. Obviously, this is only an option in case you don't need to buy something right away, and you are not trying to get a specific item. If you are looking for a very specific item, chances are that by this time it will be sold out. This is perfect if you have saved up some money and want to buy a designer piece, but you aren't sure what. This way you can browse through various online shops looking for the perfect piece for yourself and the perfect price.
Znam da se ovo čini kao očiti savjet, ali ima tu više stvari koje treba imati na umu. Znate ono vrijeme upravo prije nego što rasprodaja završi? Upravo to vrijeme je najbolje za kupovati online. Obično kad rasprodaje počnu većina online shopova nudi oko 30% popusta, možda 50% na neke stvari. Ako čekate do kraja rasprodaje, puno shopova će nuditi do 70% popusta, a ponekad čak i besplatnu dostavu. Ovo je očito opcija samo u slučaju kada ne morate nešto kupiti ovog trena, i ne pokušavate naći neku određenu stvar. Ako tražite baš nešto određeno, to će do ovog trenutka vjerojatno biti rasprodano. Ovo je savršeno ako ste uštedjeli nešto novaca te želite kupiti neki dizajnerski komad, ali niste sigurno što. Tako možete pregledavati razne online shopove tražeći za sebe savršeni komad i savršenu cijenu.
2. Leave items in your shopping bag and leave. | Ostavite stvari u košarici i otiđite.
According to Forbes, leaving items in your shopping bag and coming back after a few days is a very good idea and it can save you some money. Before I read the article about it on Forbes, this never occurred to me, but it's actually true. It happened to me few times as well, but since I didn't buy the products that were in my shopping bag, I didn't pay much attention to it. A few times I was browsing through some online shops, and since I really liked something, I thought I might buy it so I put it in my shopping bag. In the end I decided not to buy it, but I didn't empty the cart. I got an e-mail a few days later reminding me that I left some items in my shopping cart, and sometimes they even offered some discount. There is no way to know which shops will actually do that, but it might be worth a try!
Kako piše Forbes, jako je dobra ideja ostaviti stvari u košarici i vratiti se nakon par dana, te tako možete uštedjeti novce. Prije nego što sam pročitala članak na Forbesu, ovo mi nikada nije palo na pamet, ali zapravo ima smisla. I meni se ova situacija dogodila nekoliko puta, ali kako na kraju nisam kupila te stvari koje su ostale u košarici, nisam se obazirala na to. Kada sam pregledavala online shopove i nešto mi se svidjelo, mislila sam da ću možda to kupiti, te sam navedenu stvar spremila u košaricu. Na kraju sam odlučila ne kupiti dotičnu stvar, ali nisam ispraznila košaricu. Nekoliko dana poslije sam dobila e-mail u kojem me podsjećaju da sam nešto zaboravila u košarici, te su mi nekad čak ponudili popust. Nema načina da znate koji online shopovi su doista i spremni napraviti tako nešto, ali moglo bi vrijediti probati!
3. Use discount codes & vouchers. | Koristite kodove i kupone za popuste.
Discount codes & vouchers can be a great way to save money while shopping online, and you can always find some if you look carefully. Many websites offer discount codes for some of the best online shops in the world! You just have to do your research...
Kodovi i voucheri sa popustima su odličan način za uštediti dok kupujete online, i uvijek neke možete naći ako pomno tražite. Mnoge web stranice nude kodove sa popustima za neke od najboljih online shopova za svijetu! Samo morate to malo istražiti...
4. Shipping matters. | Dostava je bitna.
Honestly, you wouldn't believe how much you can save on shipping! When you are shopping at designer online shops, immediately check out the price of shipping because it can be pretty high. My best suggestion is to find out how much shipping costs at a couple of different shops, and then choose the best option for yourself. Most shops have a specific time when they offer cheaper or free shipping, and LuisaViaRoma
Ne biste vjerovali koliko možete uštediti na dostavi! Kada kupujete u dizajnerskim online shopovima, odmah provjerite kolika je cijena dostave jer ona može biti prilično visoka. Moj nabolji prijedlog je da saznate cijenu dostave u nekoliko različitih shopova, i tada nađete najbolju opciju za sebe. Većina shopova ima određeno vrijeme kada nude jeftiniju ili besplatnu dostavu, a LuisaViaRoma
5. Research, research, research. | Istraživanje, istraživanje, istraživanje.
I can't stress out this enough - if you want to get the best deals and find the best options, you just have to do the research on your own. These are just a few guidelines that I wanted to help you with, but you can only become an online shopping wizard with time. It doesn't come over night, so do your research!
Ne mogu ovo dovoljno naglasiti - ako želite dobiti najbolje ponude i naći najbolje opcije, jednostavno morate sami istraživati. Ovo je samo nekoliko smjernica s kojima sam vam željela pomoći, ali čarobnjak online shoppinga možete postati samo s vremenom. To se ne dešava preko noći, tako da ne zaboravite istražiti to što vas zanima!
Hope you enjoyed this post, and feel free to tell me your favorite tips & tricks :)
xoxo S.
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