Featured #5


Hello my lovelies!
As you can see, there are big changes on my blog! It has a completely new design! I've wanted to redesign my blog for quite some time, but I've been putting it off because I know it's such a tedious process... Just the thought of doing it made me anxious. Mostly because there are things that can go wrong, and it's such a mess when you first install some theme... It takes time to get it to the way you want. Anyway, it's here now and I really love it! What do you think about it?
On the other side, I haven't done a featured post in ages. This is another thing I was putting off for a really long time, because I knew that I already lost some of the features I had over the time that I didn't post about it. I don't even know how it happened, but these are the features I managed to find, and I couldn't find some others although I was sure I saved them... Well, that's life - sh*t happens.
Here are the ones I actually found - enjoy and have a nice day :)
xoxo S.
Pozdrav dragi moji!
Kai što možete vidjeti, velike promjene su se desile na mome blogu! Ima potpuno novi dizajn! Htjela sam redizajnirati blog već jako dugo, no odgađala sam to jer je to tako naporan proces... Sama pomisao na to me činila nervoznom. Najviše jer stvari mogu poći po zlu, i totalno je kaos kada prvo instalirate neku temu... Treba vremena da je se dovede u red i baš onako kako vi to želite. Uglavnom, sada je tu i apsolutno ju obožavam! Što vi kažete?
S druge strane, nisam napravila post o tome gdje sam bila popraćena u medijima jako dugo. To je još jedna stvar koju sam odgađala jer sam znala da sam izgubila neke od screenshotova šta sam napravila sa raznih web stranica gdje sam se pojavila od kada nisam napravila post o tome. Nemam pojma kako se to dogodilo, ali ovo su one objave koje sam uspjela naći, a neke druge nisam mogla naći makar sam bila sigurna da sam ih spremila... Kako se kaže, sh*t happens - to je život.
Evo onih koje sam uspjela naći - uživajte i želim vam ugodan dan :)
xoxo S.

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