Beach Chic | Essentials


Hello my lovelies!
As I mentioned in one of my previous posts, my mind is already on vacation. There is nothing I would love more than being somewhere on a sandy beach right now. But hey, a girl can dream, right? My reality right now is my final exam, and not beaches... Haha! :) Anyway, as the weather has been really nice lately (even in Denmark!), I kinda started thinking about my beach essentials. Better said, I started thinking about what is absolutely necessary for me to bring along when I go to the beach. As always, I will be spending this Summer home in Croatia, but I live in the capital, Zagreb, which is not by the seaside. However, I'm hoping to get away to the seaside for at least a few days now and then to experience the sea and the lifestyle. Here is my list of essentials for the beach, and of course, I linked every product so you can find them very easily.
Pozdrav dragi moji!
Kai što sam spomenula u prethodnom postu, moj um je već na odmoru. Nema ništa što bih sada radije nego bila negdje na pješćanoj plaži. Cura može sanjati, zar ne? Moja stvarnost ovog trenutka je završni ispit, a ne plaže... Haha! :) Uglavnom, kako je vrijeme bilo zaista lijepo zadnje vrijeme (čak i u Danskoj!), polako sam počela razmišljati o stvarima bez kojih ne mogu zamisliti odlazak na plažu. Ljeto ću provesti u Hrvatskoj kao i obično, ali ja živim u Zagrebu, koji očito nije kraj mora. Svejedno se nadam da ću uspjeti pobjeći na more bar na par dana tu i tamo, čisto da malo iskusim more i način života, nakon faksa i svega. Ovo je popis mojih osnovnih stvari za plažu, i naravno linkala sam sve komade tako da ih lako možete naći. 

A bathing suit. Obvious, right? When it comes to bathing suits, I tend to look for interesting cuts and prints. I really like interesting one piece bathing suits, but of course I like to switch it up. This bathing suit from SheIn immediately caught my eye because of its contrasting panels, and I have to say it kinda reminds me of corsets. And hey, anything that looks like a corset gets additional points in my book. If you like it, and other affordable things from this brand you can shop nowAdore Me also got me thinking about my summer essentials! They typically are known for their lingerie but they have some adorable swim options too for this year! They offer great plus size suits too.
Kupaći kostim. Logično, zar ne? Kada govorimo o kupaćim kostimima, obično tražim zanimljive krojeve i printeve. Jako volim zanimljive jednodjelne kupaće, ali naravno volim mijenjati. Ovaj SheIn kupaći mi je zapeo za oko zbog ovih kontrasnih dijelova, i moram reći da me podsjeća na korzet. A sve što izgleda kao korzet ima veliki plus kod mene.

This is definitely an essential. When going to the beach, I like to throw something easy over my bathing suit. Perfectly it would be a kaftan. I like kaftans in bright colors and prints - I'm thinking Matthew Williamson and Pucci colors. That would be in a dream world of course. In reality, high street ones work perfectly well, like this one from SheIn.
Ovo je definitivo ključan komad. Kada idem na plažu, volim nabaciti nešto lagano preko kupaćeg. Kaftan bi bio savršen. Volim kaftane u žarkim bojama i printevima - nešto kao Matthew Williamson i Pucci boje. To bi bilo u svijetu snova naravno. U stvarnosti oni iz high street dućana funkcioniraju odlično, kao primjerice ovaj sa SheIn-a.

Espadrilles, especially wedge espadrilles are the perfect choice for me to go to the beach. They practical and definitely chic!
Espadrille, naročito one na punu petu su savršen izbor za mene za plažu. Praktične su i definitivno chic!

4. HAT
I really can't imagine going to the beach without a hat. I like to stay in the shade and being stylish at the same time.
Stvarno ne mogu zamisliti odlazak na plažu bez šešira. Volim biti u hladu i biti stylish u isto vrijeme.

Obviously you need to bring a towel to the beach. Missoni towels are absolutely dreamy (like this one here!), but for a more affordable alternative I like to opt for Benetton towels. The quality is beautiful, they are huge and come in many colors!
Očito je da trebate ponijeti ručnik na plažu. Missonijevi ručnici su san snova (kao ovaj ovdje!), ali za puno povoljniju verziju volim izabrati Benetton. Kvaliteta njihovih ručnika je na visokoj razini, ogromni su i dolaze u puno boja!

Sunglasses are a must for me in any season, so definitely something that I need to have while going to the beach.
Sunčane naočale su za mene neophodne u svako godišnje doba, tako da su definitivno nešto što moram imati kada odlazim na plažu.

You need a beach bag to put all your essentials in. I really like raffia bags because they just feel very summery and beach-appropriate. Also, they are usually quite big, which is always a good thing when you go to the beach.
Torbu za plažu trebate da u nju stavite sve stvari koje su vam neophodne. Ja osobno jako volim slamnate torbe jer djeluju jako ljetno i prigodno za plažu. Također, obično su dosta velike, što je uvijek dobra stvar kada idete na plažu.

You can't go anywhere without sun protection during Summer. Especially if you're like me and have pale skin. When choosing sun protection, I rarely go under SPF50 because I get sunburnt very easily. Also, I prefer oils than cremes. I feel like cremes are too heavy, and the oils they have been making lately don't feel greasy at all, so I think they are the best choice for me.
Ljeti ne možete nigdje ići bez zaštite od sunca. Naročito ako ste kao ja i imate svijetlu kožu. Kada biram zaštitu od sunca, rijetko biram išta ispod SPF50 jer jako lako izgorim. Također, preferiram ulja nad kremama. Imam osjećaj da su kreme preteške, a ulja koja zadnje vrijeme rade nisu ona ulja od koji se osjećate masno posvuda, tako da mislim da je to najbolja opcija za mene.

These are my beach essentials, but definitely let me know which are yours :)
xoxo S.
Ovo su moje ključne stvari za odlazak na plažu, ali definitivno mi recite koje su vaše :)
xoxo S.

p.s. SheIn has a big SALE happening now and ending June 6, so definitely check it out while you can!

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