Beautiful Hair in 2017


Hello everyone!
I hope you had a nice Christmas, and that you are excited about 2017. Honestly, I can't believe 2017 is around the corner, and that we're leaving 2016 behind. I'm sure you're all thinking about New Year's Eve, and what you are going to wear, what kind of make up should you choose, and so on. After a long time, I'm actually going to an amazing club in a hotel to celebrate New Year's Eve, so I can be sure I will have a great time. Usually I just end up in some stupid place because me and my friends never plan it well enough, but this time it's a different story. I'm going to a very posh place, so of course I want to be sure to look good.
Pozdrav svima!
Nadam se da ste ugodno proveli Božić, te da se radujete 2017. godini. Iskreno, ne mogu vjerovati da je 2017. iz ugla, i da 2016. ostaje za nama. Sigurna sam da razmišljate o dočeku Nove Godine, i o tome što ćete odjenuti, kakvu šminku biste trebali odabrati, i slično. Nakon dugo vremena ja idem na pavi doček u jedan prekrasan klub u hotelu, tako da mogu biti sigurna da ću se dobro provesti. Obično završim na nekom bezveznom mjestu jer moji prijatelji i ja ne isplaniramo to dovoljno dobro, ali ovaj put je drugačija priča. Idem na veoma otmjeno mjesto, tako da želim biti sigurna da izgledam dobro.

Beautiful and healthy hair is a big part of looking and feeling good. Over the years I've tried different hair products as everyone else; some of them were good, some of the disappointed me. I've been wanting to try label.m products for a long time, but it's not so easy to get them in my country. Actually in Croatia you can get them exclusively at TopStil. Recently I got the opportunity to try out these four products you can see in the photos in travel sizes (which is super practical for your suitcase, or if you just want to try out the product before buying the regular size), and I have to say I'm impressed. The Sea Salt Spray does wonders in helping you with achieving that carefree beachy textured hair, while the Volume Mousse gives your hair the volume and strength that it needs. I decided I'm going to take better care of my hair in 2017 and label.m products will definitely help me to that!
xoxo S.
Lijepa i snažna kosa je veoma bitna za dobar izgled. Tijekom godina sam isprobala razne proizvode za kosu kao i svi drugi; neki su bili dobri, neki su me razočarali. Dugo sam željela isprobati label.m proizvode, ali nije ih baš lako nabaviti kod nas. U Hrvatskoj ih se zapravo može nabaviti ekskluzivno u TopStilu. Nedavno sam dobila priliku isprobati ovih četiri proizvoda koje vidite na slikama u putnim veličinama (što je veoma praktično za kofere, ili ako samo želite isprobati proizvod prije nego što kupite regularnu veličinu), i moram reći da sam impresionirana. Sprej sa morskom soli zaista pomaže u postizanju bezbrižne frizure sa predivnom teksturom, dok mousse za volumen daje vašoj kosi volumen i snagu koju treba. Odlučila sam da ću se bolje brinuti za svoju kosu u 2017. godini, a label.m proizvodi će mi zasigurno pomoći u tome!
xoxo S.

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  1. I used to use label m protein spray all the time and it is SO good!

    Lauren x

  2. popular diets that promotes a diet rich in protein and low in carbohydrates. While such diets can produce significant weight loss in a short amount of time, the results are hardly long lasting and as soon as you start eating normally again, the weight comes plummeting back, even more than before!


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