
Color Blocking 101


Hi lovely people!
I'm finally back with a new outfit post, and this one is all about colour blocking. I've been a big fan of this trend for a few years now, and I feel like you can make such a statement with it, if you do it right. I visited the H&M showroom in Zagreb recently and picked out a few things (remember this stunning red dress and flower headband?!) to play with. One of the first things that caught my eye was this adorable stylish cat T-shirt, which basically called out my name immediately (cat lady here 🙋🏼). I knew I had to choose it, but then I was looking around to see what I could pair it with. I didn't want to take something standard, like jeans for example. I wanted something that will make a statement paired with the tee. Hence, I chose these vibrant orange shorts, and I thought the outfit was a true colour blocking example. Tell me what you think! 😊
xoxo Sienna
Pozdrav dragi moji!
Konačno sam natrag sa novim outfit postom, a u njemu se radi o color blockingu. Već nekoliko godina sam fan ovog trenda, i smatram da sa njime zaista možete napraviti utisak ako ga koristite ispravno. Nedavno sam posjetila H&M showroom u Zagrebu, te sam izabrala nekoliko stvari (sjećate se ove divne crvene haljine i rajfa sa cvijećem?!) za kombiniranje outfita. Jedna od prvih stvari koja mi je zapela za oko bila je ova majice sa stylish mačkom (obožavateljica mačaka ovdje 🙋🏼). Znala sam da ju moram izabrati, ali onda sam gledala da nađem nešto sa čime bih ju mogla iskombinirati. Nisam željela nešto standardno, poput traperica na primjer. Zbog toga sam izabrala ove narančaste kratke hlačice, te sam odmah pomislila kako će taj outfit biti pravi primjer color blockinga. Recite mi što mislite! 😊
xoxo Sienna


- T-shirt: H&M
- shorts: H&M
- shoes: Bershka
- sunglasses: RALPH Ralph Lauren (c/o SunglassesShop)
- bag: c/o TBdress
- bracelets: c/o Sal Y Limon

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  1. Cool orange shorts! Super fabulous!

    Paulo Paradox | www.pauloparadox.com

  2. color block is always interesting to wear!


  3. I really like color blocking and fucsia + orange is one of my favorite!




  4. I seriously love your top!! It is so cool and chic! The way you put the whole outfit together is just perfect, it has very slight Sex & The City look to me. It reminds me from an epsiode. I love this outfit. You look beautiful! x


    1. Wow, thank you so much dear for you lovely compliments ☺️

  5. Volim ovakve kombinacije boja. Sladak outfit ;) :*



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