Bachelorette Party Ideas


A bachelorette party can be such a fun event for the bride-to-be and her closest friends. It's considered to be the last girls night out (or in) before you get married. People have different takes on bachelorette parties - some girls prefer to organise a fun night out, while some prefer a cute get-together at home with a lot of candy, funny props and champagne. There is also usually some gift-giving happening at bachelorette parties, but this depends on your culture and tradition.
Djevojačka zabava može biti jako zabavan događaj za mladenku i njene najbliže prijateljice. Smatra se da je to posljednja velika zabava (vani ili kod kuće) prije udaje. Ljudi imaju različita mišljenja o tome kako bi djevojačka zabava trebala izgledati - neke cure preferiraju organizirati zabavni izlazak u baru/klubu, dok druge preferiraju napraviti dražesno okupljanje kod kuće sa puno slatkiša, smješnih rekvizita i šampanjcem. Obično se odvija i neka vrsta darivanja, a to sve ovisi o vašoj kulturi i tradiciji.

In some countries the tradition is that the bridesmaids or best friends of the bride give her gifts at the bachelorette party, while in others the bride gives her bridesmaids a gift so that they can forever remember that special day. These two traditions can be combined as well. Whatever the case might be, I think crystal jewelry is always a wonderful option. To be more specific, jewelry with Swarovski crystals because it is timeless, elegant and perfect for any occasion.
U nekim zemljama je tradicija da djeveruše ili mladenkine najbolje prijateljice daju mladenki poklone na djevojačkoj zabavi, dok u drugim zemljama mladenka daje svojim djeverušama poklone tako da se zauvijek mogu sjećati tog posebnog dana. Ove dvije tradicije mogu biti i kombinirane. U koju god kategoriju spada vaša zabava te vrsta darivanja, ja smatram da je kristalni nakit uvijek predivan izbor. Da budem preciznija, nakit sa Swarovski kristalima jer je bezvremenski, elegantan i savršen za svaku priliku.

As a bride, if you opt for beautiful bracelets with Swarovski crystals to give your bridesmaids as gifts, they will love it and remember your wedding as well as all the special moments they shared with you as friends. The same goes for necklaces or earrings with Swarovski crystals.
No matter what gifts you choose, just remember to have fun because that's what bachelorette party should be about! :)
xoxo Sienna
Ako ste mladenka i odlučite svojim djeverušama pokloniti prekrasne narukvice sa Swarovski kristalima, one će biti oduševljene te će pamtiti vaše vjenčanje kao i sve posebne trenutke koje su provele s vama kao prijateljice. Ista stvar vrijedi za ogrlice i naušnice sa Swarovski kristalima.
Neovisno o tome koje poklone odaberete, samo se zapamtite zabaviti jer to je najbitnije na svakoj djevojačkoj zabavi! :)
xoxo Sienna


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  1. Super cute idea for a bachelorette party!



  2. Beautiful pics!!!

  3. Bachelorette party becomes a huge hype in my country and I love your idea. Pink tone looks so perfect for Bachelorette party and I am in love with your swarovski crystal, the turquoise earrings though <3


  4. Thank you for writing and sharing this


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