RECENZIJA | INTIMINA Lily Cup Compact Menstrual Cup
Hello lovely people!
I feel like women's intimate health is something that's definitely not talked about enough. It has become better in the last few years, but it could still be a lot better. So many areas in this topic are still considered taboo to talk about, starting with periods. Well, guess what? Women have periods! It seems like some guys even get so uncomfortable or offended if women mention period around them. We should never stop talking about the fact that periods are natural and all women have them. It's nothing to be ashamed of.
Pozdrav dragi moji!
Smatram da je intimno zdravlje žena nešto o čemu se definitivno ne priča dovoljno. Situacija je postala bolja u zadnjih par godina, ali bi mogla biti i puno bolja. Puno područja u vezi ove teme se još uvijek smatraju tabuom za razgovor, počevši s menstruacijom. Vjerovali ili ne, žene imaju menstruaciju! Čini se da je nekim muškarcima neugodno ili se osjete uvrijeđenima ako žene spominju menstruaciju u njihovom društvu. Nikad ne smijemo prestati govoriti o činjenici da je menstruacija normalna i da je sve žene imaju. To nije nešto čega se treba sramiti.
For the longest time pads and tampons were almost the only choices women had during their periods, but there are a lot cheaper and healthier period solutions. Popular INTIMINA menstrual cups are new generation products in period protection! They are ultra-soft, reusable menstrual cups made of medical-grade silicone that is hypoallergenic. They are perfectly shaped to fit your body for total comfort, covering the lightest to heaviest flows for up to 12 hours. For me the biggest benefit is that they are reusable, so using them you are saving money in the long run and protect the environment. INTIMINA menstrual cups can be used for years. In this review, I will focus on INTIMINA Lily Cup Compact because I tried this one. This is the world's first collapsible menstrual cup which makes it very practical - it also comes with a protective case. This cup is available in two sizes - size A (light pink) that fits to women who haven't given birth, and size B (hot pink) that is recommended for women who have given birth vaginally.
Dugo vremena ulošci i tamponi su bili jedine opcije koje su žene imale tijekom menstruacije, no postoje dugoročno jeftinija i bolja rješenja za menstruaciju. Popularne menstrualne čašice INTIMINA su nova generacija proizvoda za menstruaciju! Te menstrualne čašice su ultra mekane, napravljene od medicinskog silikona te su hipoalergene. One su savršeno oblikovane za vaše tijelo, ne uzrokuju neugodnosti te bez problema mogu sakupiti manje i veće količine tekućine do 12 sati nošenja. Najveći plus je to što se mogu koristiti višekratno pa možete i uštedjeti novac koji trošite na uloške i tampone, a istovremeno štitite i prirodu! Menstrualne čašice INTIMINA mogu se koristiti nekoliko godina. U ovoj recenziji posebno želim spomenuti INTIMINA Lily Cup Compact jer je to ona koju sam imala prilike isprobati. To je prva na svijetu menstrualna čašica koja se može sklopiti što je čini veoma praktičnom - također dolazi sa zaštitnom kutijicom. Dostupna je u dvije veličine - veličina A (svijetlo roza) koja se preporučuje ženama koje nisu rodile i veličina B (žarko roza) koja je mrvicu većeg kapaciteta i namijenjena je ženama koje su imale vaginalni porod.
I have already read some reviews about menstrual cups and how this little product became game-changer for lots of women! Most of the women have a positive experience with menstrual cups and I could say the same thing for myself. It's definitely a totally different experience and it takes some time to get used to a new product like this. However, what I like about it is that it is probably the most hygienic option available right now as it is made of medical-grade silicone, and it doesn't require constant changing during the day like you would have to do with pads or tampons. As the cup is very soft, I didn't experience any difficulties while using it. It is comfortable and doesn't hurt or feel hard. Before first use and after every period you should boil the menstrual cup for 5-8 minutes and that way you can be sure it is completely clean and sterile. The first time you put it in, it is definitely a bit challenging, but it just requires a bit of practice like everything else. The cup comes with an instructions manual and couple of ways how to fold the cup for easier insertion. If you follow instructions, Lily Cup Compact is easy to use. I think this menstrual cup is a very good alternative to pads and tampons. Super important to me is that it doesn't leak or cause odors, dryness and irritation that is often when using pads or tampons. Considering I just started using it, I still didn't get used to it a 100% but I want to keep using it because it is just so convenient and with it, I can be more carefree than when using a pad or a tampon.
When it comes to period products, we all have our favorites for various reasons so when a new product comes out women can be quite skeptical about trying them. However, when something is safe and developed in consultation with doctors, it might be worth trying and then you can get to your own conclusion and see if the product works for you or not. INTIMINA Lily Cup Compact is available from
What is your opinion about menstrual cups? Have you tried them?
xoxo Sienna
xoxo Sienna
Informirajući se o ovoj temi naišla sam na mnoga pozitivna iskustva žena koje su se preporodile koristeći menstrualne čašice. Mogla bih to reći i za sebe. Menstrualne čašice su definitivno totalno drugačije iskustvo te treba neko vrijeme da se naviknete na novi proizvod poput ovog. Ono što se meni posebno sviđa kod menstrualne čašice Lily Cup Compact je da su izrazito higijenske jer su izrađene od medicinskog silikona i nije nužno konstantno mijenjanje tijekom dana kao što je potrebno kod korištenja uložaka ili tampona. S obzirom na to da je čašica jako mekana, nisam iskusila previše poteškoća kod uporabe. Ugodna je te ne boli. Prije prve upotrebe menstrualnu čašicu trebate prokuhati 5-8 minuta te tako možete biti sigurni da je u potpunosti sterilna, a prokuhavati je možete i između ciklusa. Kada je stavite prvi puta, definitivno je malo zahtjevno savladati tehniku, ali treba samo malo prakse. Čašica dolazi s uputstvima za uporabu gdje je objašnjeno nekoliko mogućnosti umetanja menstrualne čašice - ako slijedite upute umetanje će biti jednostavno i nakon što se naviknete, nema više problema. Mislim da je menstrualna čašica jako dobra alternativa ulošcima i tamponima. Ono što bih naglasila, da za razliku od tampona i uložaka, menstrualna čašica skuplja menstrualnu tekućinu, a ne upija je pa nema neugodnih mirisa, suhoće i iritacija. Tek sam je počela koristiti pa se nisam 100% navikla, ali s obzirom na praktičnost nastavit ću je koristiti jer se s njom osjećam bezbrižno, a i ugodna je za nošenje.
Kada je riječ o menstrualnim proizvodima, svi mi imamo svoje favorite iz raznih razloga pa kad izađe novi proizvod, žene mogu biti poprilično skeptične. No kada je proizvod siguran i razvijen u suradnji s doktorima, sigurno je vrijedan isprobavanja. Isprobajte i donesite svoj zaključak! INTIMINA Lily Cup Compact dostupna je na te u DM-u i ljekarnama po cijeni od 225 kn.
Koje je vaše mišljenje o menstrualnim čašicama? Jeste li ih isprobale?xoxo Sienna
I never try this kind of product, but it seems quite interesting, specially during Sumer to avoid irritations!
Yes, that’s true!
ReplyDeletenisam probala, ali možda i hoću jer doista zvuči praktično.
ReplyDeleteBaš je, i dobro je isprobati razne opcije pa vidjeti što ti najbolje odgovara :)
DeleteDla niektórych użytkowniczek rozmiar Compact może być zbyt mały lub zbyt duży. Ważne jest, aby wybrać odpowiedni rozmiar dla swoich indywidualnych potrzeb.
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