RECENZIJA | FOREO UFO Mini pametna maska za lice


UFO pametna maska za lice- recenzija

Hello lovely people!
A few months ago I heard about this new revolutionary face mask product called FOREO UFO, and it definitely intrigued me. I saw so many websites talk about it, so I was wondering why this device is so different and revolutionary. Recently I got the opportunity to try FOREO UFO Mini for myself, and I want to share my experience with you. FOREO UFO Mini is a face mask activating device made for smarter and more efficient application and absorption of face masks. It provides a total face cleansing experience at home. This device enables LED light therapy and relaxing thermotherapy while helping the basic face mask ingredients to penetrate deeper into your skin by using T-sonic pulsations. The whole process lasts only 90 seconds so it's perfect for a girl on the go.
Pozdrav dragi moji!
Prije nekoliko mjeseci sam čula za revolucionarni uređaj za maske za lice koji se zove FOREO UFO, i definitivno me odmah zaintrigirao. Vidjela sam ga na puno web stranica, te sam se pitala zašto je taj uređaj toliko poseban i revolucionaran. Nedavno sam dobila priliku isprobati FOREO UFO Mini, te želim s vama podijeliti svoja iskustva. FOREO UFO Mini je uređaj koji aktivira maske za lice, a napravljen je za učinkovitiju aplikaciju i upijanje maski. On pruža potpuni tretman čiščenja lica kod kuće. Ovaj uređaj omogućuje terapiju LED svjetlom i termoterapiju, dok istovremeno  putem T-sonic pulsacija pomaže da sastojci maske za lice prodru dublje u kožu. Cijeli proces traje samo 90 sekundi tako da je savršen za žene koje žive brzim načinom života.

FOREO smart mask

Here is how to use it:

  1. Download the FOREO app and connect your UFO device. You have to scan the barcode of the mask that you want to use via the app, and the treatment will automatically sync to your UFO device so you can start it straight from the app.
  2. Take off the attachment ring from your UFO device, put the face mask into it and secure the mask in place by putting the attachment ring back on.
  3. Apply the mask in circular motion on your face until the UFO turns off. Take the mask out of your device and rinse the UFO under running water. 
  4. Press the rest of the mask into the skin with your fingers until it completely absorbs and finish the treatment by applying your favourite moisturiser.

Ovako se koristi:
  1. Skinite FOREO aplikaciju i spojite svoj UFO uređaj. Trebate skenirati bar kod na pakovanju maske koju želite koristiti pute aplikacije, a tretman će se automatski sinkronizirati sa vašim UFO uređajem tako da ga možete pokrenuti izravno s aplikacije.
  2. Skinite prsten za pričvršćivanje s UFO uređaja, položite masku za lice na uređaj i pričvrstite je vraćanjem prstena na mjesto. 
  3. Masku aplicirajte kružnim pokretima na lice dok se UFO ne isključi. Skinite masku s uređaja te isperite UFO pod tekućom vodom.
  4. Prstima utisnite ostatak maske u kou dok se ne upije u potpunosti, te završite tretman nanošenjem omiljene hidratantne kreme.

I am generally a huge fan of face masks but sometimes I feel like they don't completely absorb into my skin, better said I feel like a lot of it goes to waist. When you use the UFO, this doesn't happen because of the LED light therapy and T-sonic pulsations. The device is super easy to use, and I enjoy using it every time. The whole experience is very pleasant and my skin feels fresh and smooth after. There are two types of masks you can use it with: the day mask and the night mask. They are both so wonderful, I can't even choose which one is my favorite! 
I am so glad I own this cute little device now, and I enjoy using it every time. I would definitely recommend it! 😊
Have you heard of FOREO UFO Mini and would you like to try it?

xoxo Sienna
Inače sam veliki fan maski za lice ali ponekad imam osjećaj da se ne upiju svi sastojci u kožu, tj. da se veća količina maske potrati. Kada koristite UFO, to se ne dešava zbog terapije LED svjetlima i T-sonic pulsacija. Uređaj je zaista lako koristiti, te uživam u procesu svaki out. Cijelo iskustvo je jako ugodno a nakon tretmana moja koža je svježa i glatka. Postoje dvije vrste maski s kojim ga možete koristiti: dnevna maska i noćna maska. Obje su toliko divne da uopće ne mogu odlučiti koja mi je draža!Baš mi je drago da sada imam ovaj slatki mali uređaj, i uživam u korištenju istog. Definitivno ga preporučam! 😊
Jeste li čuli za FOREO UFO Mini i da li biste ga voljeli isprobati!
xoxo Sienna


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  1. Wow, I want to try it, it seems amazing!



  2. Really interesting product :) I want to try it.
    Have a nice day!
    My blog


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