
Downtown Americana Vol. I


Sienna Ana Belic - Fashion in the Air look

Hi lovely people!
I'm finally back! It's been so long since my last post... Way too long. I've been so busy with other stuff and also going through some personal things myself, so I just didn't have the time or the drive to create new posts. However, I am here now with a newfound drive and creativity ready to conquer this Fall! Haha! 😂

I am super excited about the new season that's upon us, because this crazy Summer heat was already killing me slowly... LOL! And although it was crazy hot a week ago when we shot this editorial, during the last few days the temperatures have cooled down a bit, so I can immediately breathe more easily. Now, about this editorial... It's a very special little project created by Luka Lajic and myself. Luka is a blogger and a photographer who I met less than a year ago, and we hit it off as soon as we met because we are both positive and creative people. We were talking about meeting for a coffee and possibly shooting some photos together for a really long time, and now it finally happened. Luka is now focusing more on photography than blogging, so it was all a perfect fit to create an editorial together in collaboration with H&M.

Sienna Belic - Boho rocker chic

Our idea was to make the topic of the editorial Americana style - from boho/rocker chic looks that are going to be really trendy this Fall, to classic preppy Ralph Lauren/Tommy Hilfiger inspired looks with a twist. Each of us styled two looks. This first one was styled by me, in the next post I will show you two looks styled by Luka, and in the third post I will show you the last look styled by me. Most clothes and some shoes from this editorial come from H&M showroom in Zagreb, with a few exceptions which I will name at the end of the post. I really hope you enjoy this editorial, let me know your thoughts! ☺️
xoxo Sienna

Fashion in the Air Boho Rocker Chic Americana Outfit
Downtown Americana Editorial H&M

- dress: H&M
- jacket: Mango
- boots: Asos

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