Recently I wrote a post about INTIMINA Lily Cup Compact, and this is in a way a continuation of that post. It's a continuation in a way that this is another device that is crucial for women's health. Kegel exercises are another topic that I mostly hear about while watching American movies and series, and not so much in my country. This is a shame because Kegels are super important for your intimate health and can prevent various disorders at a later age.
//HRPozdrav dragi moji!
Nedavno sam napisala post o menstrualnoj čašici INTIMINA Lily Cup Compact, i ovo je na neki način nastavak tog posta. Nastavak je na način da sada pišem o još jednom uređaju bitnom za žensko zdravlje. Kegelove vježbe su također tema o kojoj većinom čujem u američkim filmovima i serijama, a ne baš u svojoj zemlji. To je zaista šteta jer su Kegelove vježbe veoma bitne za vaše zdravlje i mogu spriječiti nastajanje raznih poremećaja u kasnijoj dobi.
Nowadays you don't have to struggle and try to figure out on your own how to properly do your Kegels because there are devices that help you with that. INTIMINA KegelSmart is one of those devices that that I recently had a chance to try out. KegelSmart is a revolutionary new way to do your Kegels; it sets a routine for you just like a personal trainer for pelvic floor that is easy to follow and totally safe to use. This device was developed in collaboration with gynaecologists so you can be sure that it is good for you. It is made of medical silicone and is a 100% waterproof.
U današnje vrijeme više ne morate same nastojati dokučiti kako ispravno raditi Kegelove vježbe jer postoje uređaji koji vam mogu pomoći s time. INTIMINA KegelSmart je jedan od tih uređaja koji sam nedavno imala prilike isprobati. KegelSmart je revolucionarni novi način za raditi Kegelove vježbe; on postavlja rutinu za vas baš kao osobni trener za mišiće zdjeličnog dna koju je lagano za pratiti i sigurno za koristiti. Ovaj uređaj je razvijen u suradnji sa ginekolozima tako da možete biti sigurne da je dobar za vas. Napravljen je od medicinskog silikona te je 100% vodootporan.
I have known about the importance of Kegel exercise for a few years now, but I always somehow thought they are more for older women as the incontinence prevention and women who have given birth because of weaken vaginal muscles. However, this is not entirely true. Although the women in these categories should especially focus on doing their Kegels regularly, they are very beneficial for all women. Especially for younger women as pregnancy preparation or women who are active in sports.
Before KegelSmart I never tried any other similar kegel exercise device. I was doing my Kegels without help, and honestly very rarely when I would remember. After I heard about INTIMINA KegelSmart, I thought it was such an interesting concept and I wanted to try it out.
Here is how you use it: after you turn it on using the button on the device and position it properly, the LED light will show the level you are currently on. There are 5 levels - the light will flash once if the device shows you are currently on level one, it will flash twice if it detects you are currently on level two, and so on. The goal is to reach new levels over a period of time if you use it regularly. The device will create a personalised set of exercises for you based on your current level. It is recommended that you use it 3-5 times a week. When I first used KegelSmart it showed I am currently on the second level and after using it for about two weeks about 3 times a week, I am still on the second level. I should probably use it even more regularly because the exercises last only 5 minutes, but it's all about making a new habit out of it, which sometimes takes some time. The device guides you during the session with little vibrations, and that's how you know when you have to contract your muscles. It is very easy to use it and it doesn't require you downloading any apps or anything. I always appreciate it when devices are user friendly, and I will definitely continue to use it in order to improve the strength of my pelvic floor muscles.
INTIMINA KegelSmart is available on intimina.com.
xoxo Sienna
Za važnost Kegelovih vježbi znam već nekoliko godina, ali sam nekako uvijek mislila da je to za starije žene kao preventivne vježbe za inkontinenciju ili žene koje su rodile zbog oslabljenih vaginalnih mišića. No, tu nisam bila u potpunosti u pravu. Iako bi se žene u ovim kategorijama naročito trebale fokusirati na izvođenje Kegelovih vježbi redovito, one donose mnoge pogodnosti za sve žene. Pogotovo za mlade žene kao priprema za trudnoću, ali i sportašice čije zdjelično dno zna biti oslabljeno zbog fokusa na druge dijelove tijela.
Prije korištenja ovog uređaja za kegelove vježbe, nisam nikad probala slične uređaje. Radila sam Kegelove vježbe bez pomoći, i iskreno rijetko bih se uopće i sjetila. Nakon što sam čula za INTIMINA KegelSmart, pomislila sam kako je to zanimljiv koncept, i kako bih ga željela isprobati.
Ovako se koristi: kada ga uključite pritiskom na gumb koji se nalazi na uređaju, te ga pravilno namjestite, LED svjetlo će pokazati na kojem nivou ste trenutno. Postoji 5 nivoa - lampica svijetli jednom ako uređaj očita da ste trenutno na prvoj razini (najniža razina), zasvijetlit će dva puta ako očita da ste trenutno na drugoj razini, itd. Cilj je da dostignete nove nivoe tijekom vremena ako uređaj redovito koristite. Uređaj će kreirati personalizirani set vježbi ovisno o vašem trenutnom nivou, odnosno jačini mišića zdjeličnog dna. Preporuča se da ga koristite 3-5 puta tjedno. Meni je pri prvom korištenju pokazao da sam na drugom nivou, te nakon otprilike dva tjedna korištenja tri puta tjedno i dalje sam na drugom nivou. Trebala bih ga vjerojatno još češće koristiti, naročito jer vježbe traju samo 5 minuta, ali sve je u stvaranju navike što neki puta može potrajati. Uređaj vas vodi tijekom vježbi uz pomoć malih vibracija, te tako znate kada trebate stisnuti mišiće. Jako ga je jednostavno koristiti i nije potrebno skidati nikakve aplikacije. Uvijek cijenim kada su uređaji prilagođeni korisnicima, te ću ga definitivno nastaviti koristiti kako bih ojačala mišiće zdjelice i zdjeličnog dna.
INTIMINA KegelSmart uređaj je dostupan na intimina.com, u DM-u i u ljekarnama.
xoxo Sienna