
FOREO LUNA fofo fuchsia as a Christmas gift

Hello lovely people!
As I'm writing this post, I'm also occasionally looking out the window and I see it's snowing... I love snow so this makes me really happy. We haven't had a white Christmas in Zagreb for many years, as it tends to snow a bit later here - usually January or even February. I do enjoy Winter in general, but what I don't enjoy about it is dry skin. Our skin tends to get drier and more sensitive during Winter, hence it's super important to have a good skincare routine. Every good skincare routine starts with cleaning your skin from all all the makeup and dirt at the end of the day. Taking your makeup off with cotton pads and micellar water is often not enough, as that doesn't fully clean your skin and pores.
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Pozdrav dragi moji!
Kako pišem ovaj post, povremeno pogledam kroz prozor i vidim da pada snijeg... Obožavam snijeg tako da me ovaj prizor čini sretnom. Nismo imali bijeli Božić u Zagrebu već godinama, jer obično snijeg pada kasnije - u siječnju ili čak veljači. Obično uživam u zimi, ali ono u čemu ne uživam tijekom ovog godišnjeg doba je suha koža koja se pojavi. Naša koža je obično suha i osjetljivija tijekom zime, te je stoga veoma bitno imati dobru rutinu u njezi kože. Svaka dobra njega kože započinje sa čišćenjem kože od šminke i prljavštine na kraju dana. Skidanje šminke samo pomoću vate i micelarne otopine često nije dovoljno, s obzirom da ta metoda ne očisti vašu kožu i pore u potpunosti.

FOREO LUNA fofo fuschia and Christmas decorations

This is why I have been using FOREO LUNA fofo smart facial cleansing device for a few months now. I have already talked about it on my blog when it came out, but now I can tell you even more how much I love it because I have been using it for some time. When I regularly use LUNA fofo I definitely notice my skin is a lot cleaner, smoother and it doesn't get that oily. The device is so helpful and easy to use, as it creates a personalized cleansing routine just for you. I was thinking... Wouldn't it be amazing to gift someone this wonderful device for Christmas?! There's nothing better than giving a gift of good skin to your loved one. I'm sure they would appreciate it. FOREO LUNA fofo is actually able to analyse your skin and based on that it creates a personalized routine for you! Who wouldn't love that?!
Have you already bought the gifts for your loved ones or are you still thinking about what to buy!
Let me know :)
xoxo Sienna
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Upravo zbog toga već par mjeseci koristim FOREO LUNA fofo pametni uređaj za čišćenje lica.Već sam pričala o njemu na blogu kad je izašao, ali sada vam još više mogu reći kako ga volim jer ga koristim već neko vrijeme. Kada redovito koristim Luna fofo definitivno vidim kako mi je koža čišća, glatka i ne masti se jako. Uređaj zaista pomaže i jednostavan je za korištenje s obzirom da kreira personaliziranu rutinu čišćenja lica samo za vas. Malo sam razmišljala... Ne bi li bilo divno pokloniti nekome ovaj genijalni uređaj za Božić?! Nema ništa bolje nego pokloniti dar dobre kože vašoj voljenoj osobi. Sigurna sam da bi ona to cijenila. FOREO LUNA fofo je sposoban analizirati vašu kožu i na temelju toga kreirati personaliziranu rutinu samo za vas! Tko to ne bi volio?!
Jeste li već kupili sve poklone za drage ljude ili još razmišljate što kupiti? Baš me zanima :)
xoxo Sienna

FOREO LUNA fofo fuschia

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