
Sparkle this Holiday Season!


Hello lovely people!
I don't know about you, but Christmas time is definitely my favorite time of the year. I love all the decorations, sparkle, music, atmosphere... I just can't get enough of it and I always feel like this season is too short. One of my favorite this is that everyone seems so happy! I love that.

In addition to that, I love wearing anything sparkly during this special season. There are more parties and events than usual, and also we all just want to feel bright and festive. Am I right?!

Shiny and sparkly things are very on trend at the moment, and many designers suggest wearing something like that in December. Choosing a sequinned dress or a glittery top can be a great option, but sometimes even the smallest details can make a difference and make your whole outfit party-ready!

Have you ever thought about embellishing your outfit with cute fashion buttons or even amazing luxury buttons? We usually buy a piece of clothing that already has buttons on it, but it never occurs to us that those buttons can be changed!

I think people used to get their clothes altered or improved a lot more in the past than they do now. Nowadays we just buy an item and accept it the way it is, even if we maybe don't like every single thing about it. Style is in small details, so if everyone payed more attention to detail and quality, I think there would a lot more stylish and elegant people walking around.

I recently came across this cool website where you can buy these beautiful rhinestone buttons and I was amazed by the variety! They have the most beautiful buttons to choose from, and they are all great quality.

Imagine having these sparkly buttons on your plain white shirt instead of ordinary buttons... Wouldn't that be amazing?! I bet everyone would be asking you about your buttons and where you got them. Details like these are sometimes the best way to go in my opinion. :)
xoxo Sienna

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