Exploring Autumn with Crystal Jewelry


Magic necklace with Swarovski crystals by Crystal Vision

Isn’t it funny how you can live in one place your whole life and still get surprised by its beauty and hidden locations? This is what happened to me recently. It’s like we take our hometowns for granted and we think we know everything about them by default and that we’ve seen it all… But the truth is - there is always more to see and learn.
Nije li smiješno kako možemo živjeti na jednom mjestu cijeli život, a svejedno i dalje biti iznenađeni ljepotom tog mjesta i skrivenim lokacijama? To je upravo scenarij koji se meni nedavno dogodio. Ispada da uzimamo naše rodne gradove zdravo za gotovo te mislimo da automatski znamo sve o njima i da smo sve vidjeli što imaju za ponuditi… Ali istina je malo drugačija - uvijek imao puno stvari za vidjeti i naučiti.

Girl wearing a denim pinafore dress, aviator jacket and ankle boots in Botanical garden

The Botanical Garden

So here’s the thing - I’ve lived in Zagreb my whole life (except for three and a half years when I was studying in Denmark), hence I always feel like I’ve seen all its landmarks and I know its every corner, especially in the center. However, I’ve been reminded recently that this is not the case. We always dream about going to the most beautiful locations in the world, but on the other hand sometimes we don’t even know our own city that well.
Ovakva je stvar - živim u Zagrebu čitav život (osim one tri i pol godine koje sam provela studirajući u Danskoj) te s obzirom na to uvijek mislim da sam vidjela sve njegove znamenitosti i da znam svaki kutak. Međutim, nedavno sam shvatila da to baš i nije tako. Uvijek sanjamo o odlasku na najljepše svjetske lokacije, ali s druge strane ne poznajemo dobro ni vlastiti grad.

Necklace and earrings set in a shape of an angel with Swarovski crystals

There is a Botanical Garden right in the center of Zagreb, and I visited it for the first time in my life a few weeks ago. How crazy is that?! I’ve been to the Botanical Garden in Copenhagen, but until recently I had never been to the one in my own city…
It was always one of those things I wanted to do, and kept saying I would do, but just never really did it. I’m really happy I finally went there with my friend because it’s absolutely beautiful, and Autumn time brings out its most charming features. I can imagine it’s stunning in Spring as well.
U centru Zagreba se nalazi Botanički vrt, a ja sam ga prije nekoliko tjedana posjetila prvi put u životu. Nije li to ludo?! Bila sam u Botaničkom vrtu u Copenhagenu, ali do nedavno nisam bila u ovome u svome gradu…
To je uvijek bila jedna od stvari koje sam željela napraviti i uvijek sam govorila kako hoću, ali jednostavno nikad nisam tamo I otišla. Jako mi je drago da sam to konačno napravila i posjetila tu divnu lokaciju s prijateljicom. Jesen zaista divno pristaje Botaničkom vrtu. Mogu zamisliti kako je tek prekrasan u proljeće.

Blonde fashion blogger wearing a pinafore denim dress and aviator jacket for Autumn in Botanical garden

Crystal bracelets that fasten

Always Explore

This time we didn’t have that much time to see it in details, so I definitely want to go there again very soon. While we were there, I thought it was the perfect opportunity to take some photos and to explore the new Autumn jewelry collection by Crystal Vision. I had a vision that this incredible jewelry with Swarovski crystals would go perfectly with the stunning nature.
Ovaj put nismo imale puno vremena da istražimo Botanički vrt u detalje tako da zaista želim tamo ponovno otići vrlo brzo. Dok smo bile tamo, smatrala sam da je savršena prilika za napraviti cool fotografije i istražiti novu jesensku Crystal Vision kolekciju nakitaImala sam neku viziju da će se ovaj nevjerojatan nakit sa Swarovski kristalima savršeno uklopiti uz predivnu prirodu.

I think the greenery and the wonderful structures of the Botanical Garden bring out the beauty of this timeless crystal jewelry. Also, you don’t see jewelry in this kind of environment very often, so that makes it even more cool.
Mislim da zelenilo i prekrasne strukture Botaničkog vrta zaista ističu ljepotu ovog bezvremenskog kristalnog nakita. Također, rijetko se vidi nakit u ovakvom okruženju tako da je sve skupa još više cool.

Girl wearing a denim pinafore dress and smiling in Botanical garden

The Outfit

When we took these photos it was a nice sunny day, but quite cold. I wanted to wear something trendy for Autumn, but also with classic features. I’ve noticed a lot of stores right now have many 60’s inspired pieces, hence I decided to lean into this trend by wearing a denim pinafore dress paired with a little cropped top underneath just so my shoulders wouldn’t be totally bare. I also wore my fave ankle boots and my new aviator style jacket which is so warm and fluffy; I can’t get enough of it. In my opinion this is the perfect cool girl Autumn outfit.
Kad smo imale photoshooting bio je lijep sunčan dan, ali je bilo poprilično hladno i vjetrovito. Željela sam obući nešto trendy za jesen, ali sa klasičnim karakteristikama. Zamijetila sam da mnogi dućani trenutno imaju pregršt odjeće ispirirane 60-ima pa sam se odlučila prikloniti ovome trendu noseći traper pinafore haljinu sa cropped majicom ispod samo da mi ramena nisu otkrivena. Također sam obula omiljene gležnjače i novu jaknu aviator stila koja je veoma topla i mekana; naprosto ju obožavam i savršena je za hladnije dane!

All the crystal jewelry I tried paired perfectly with this outfit. The colors of the outfit were quite neutral, which meant that the crystals could stand out. I can’t even choose which is my favorite! They are all so pretty and sparkly.
Sav kristalni nakit koji sam isprobala se savršeno uklapao s ovim outfitom. Boje outfita su bile prilično neutrane što je značilo da su se kristali mogli istaknuti. Ne mogu niti izabrati koji su mi najdraži! Svi su tako lijepi i sjajni.

Portrait of a blonde fashion blogger Sienna Belic from Croatia wearing a crystal necklace

Do you have a favorite piece from this collection? Let me know. :)
Also, you can find the jewelry I wore if you follow the links under the photos.
xoxo Sienna
Imate li vi omiljeni komad iz kolekcije? Slobodno podijelite svoje mišljenje. :)
Također sav nakit Crystal Vision možete pronaći na linkovima ispod slika.
xoxo Sienna

- dress, top & jacket: H&M
- boots: Zara
- sunglasses: Tom Ford
- all jewelry: Crystal Vision

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